How to Meditate Longer: Your Complete Guide to Meditating

How to Meditate Longer: Your Complete Guide to Meditating

Do you want to learn how to meditate longer? You’re not alone. Life gets busy. When you have so many things vying for your attention (work, family, social media – the list goes on), finding the time and the mental energy to meditate longer can be a serious challenge.

Fear not! We’re here to help. Our guide provides helpful tips on how to extend your meditation session and maximize the benefits of this ancient practice.

Try Different Types of Meditation

If you want to learn how to meditate longer, one of the first things you need to consider is the type of meditation you’re doing. While mindfulness meditation works for many people, others find that sound or candle meditation works better for them.

Many people don’t realize that there are so many different types of meditation. The great news is that you can experiment with all of them until you find one – or a few – that works well for you.

Let’s explore some of these meditation types:

Mantra Meditation

If you’re having trouble staying in the moment and quieting your mind, mantra meditation may be a great option for you. With this type of meditation, you repeat a mantra – either out loud or to yourself – and focus all of your attention on it.

Repeating that mantra makes it easier to keep those intrusive thoughts at bay and you in the present moment. You can recite any mantra you want. Some popular and traditional mantras are:

  • Om
  • Aham Prema
  • Ham-Sah
  • Namo Amitabha
  • Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti
  • I want nothing. I am nothing. I do nothing
  • I am enough
  • I can and I will

You can change your mantra with every practice to match what you’re feeling in the moment. For example, if you’re feeling low, reciting the mantra “I am enough” may help you stay in the present and even start to heal from your trauma.

There are many benefits of mantra meditation that go beyond helping you meditate for longer.

Candle Meditation

Some meditators, especially beginners, struggle to stay in the moment when they close their eyes and try to empty their minds. If this sounds like you, then candle meditation may be a better alternative for you.

Also known as candle gazing, candle meditation is all about staring at or fixating on the flame of a candle while you meditate. Some people find it easier to get into a trance-like or meditative state when staring at an object like a candle flame.

If you’re struggling to meditate for more than just a few minutes at a time, give candle meditation a try. Just make sure that you’re following safe practices when using your candles.

Chakra Meditation

Sometimes, when we struggle to meditate for longer, the problem is much deeper than having short attention spans. For some, having an imbalance or blockage in one of the seven chakras prevents them from experiencing a full, deep meditation.

Chakra imbalances can manifest as anxiety, depression, anger, sadness, feeling unworthy, mental confusion, headaches and more.

If you’re struggling to extend your sessions and you’ve tried other types of meditation, you may be one of the many people who have a chakra imbalance. The great news is that chakra meditation can help remove these blockages, allowing you to heal and progress in your practice.

Group Meditation

When you’re meditating at home or outdoors, it’s easy to get distracted by your to-do list, noises and thoughts. Some people find that it’s much easier to meditate and extend their practice sessions when they’re in a group setting.

When you attend a group meditation, you’re joining other people who have the same goals, and you’re in a dedicated space for meditation. The practice becomes more intentional, and it’s much easier to shut the door to distractions.

If you’re a beginner, you may also benefit from receiving proper guidance or pointers that the instructor or group leader may give.

Many cities have group meditation classes. Check social media groups or ask friends for recommendations if you’re struggling to find classes near you.

Sound Meditation

Sound meditation is a unique type of meditation where sounds become the focus of your attention and awareness. Many people find that focusing on sounds is much easier than emptying their minds and allows them to truly be in the moment.

Singing bowls are often used in this type of meditation to help improve focus and promote relaxation. Other tools used in sound meditation include:

  • Chanting
  • Rattlers
  • Tuning forks

Research has found that sound meditation may be an effective way to reduce anxiety, depression and mental health. If you’re struggling with mindfulness meditation, give this one a try.

Cord Cutting Meditation

Cord cutting meditation is a very special type of practice that focuses on cutting ties with someone who may be robbing you of your energy and peace.

These are people you once had a deep connection with. They’re no longer in your life, but they still have a hold on you (think exes, old friends, etc.). Just thinking about them causes you stress and anxiety.

Cord cutting meditation helps you let go of this connection so that you can start living life on your own terms.

If you have someone or multiple people in your life that are still draining your energy even though they’re gone, cord cutting meditation may work well for you. Severing these connections may also free up mental energy so that you can meditate for longer.

Kundalini Meditation

Kundalini meditation is an ancient practice that dates back to at least 500-1,000 BC, although it’s only been recently introduced to the Western world.

The goal of Kundalini meditation is to move energy through the body. The belief is that everyone has coiled energy that sits at the base of their spines. But with the right breathwork and meditation, you can awaken and unravel this energy.

This type of meditation is more active than others, and there’s a great focus on breath and alignment. Because the practice involves different movements and breathing exercises, some people experience emotional discomfort at first. However, with practice and time, this form of meditation can become a powerful tool for managing your emotions and healing past trauma.

Energizing Meditations

If you’re having trouble meditating for longer because you just don’t have any energy, why not try an energizing meditation?

Initially, you may still struggle to meditate for longer than usual, but over time, those quick, energizing sessions may help you stay in a meditative state for longer.

meditation technique

Improve Your Meditation Technique

Learning how to meditate longer takes time, practice and patience. But it also requires the right technique.

Posture is a common culprit because pain or discomfort can stop you from being able to sit quietly for long periods of time. Experimenting with different hand and meditation positions can also help.

Let’s look at some ways you can improve your meditation technique and, hopefully, start meditating for longer.

Work on Your Seated Meditation Posture

Traditionally, meditation is performed in a seated position. You don’t have to be seated while you meditate, but many people find that they’re most comfortable and alert in this position.

The problem is that sitting cross-legged or in lotus position can sometimes put extra stress on the knees and or cause discomfort. If you’re feeling uncomfortable in this position or you’re fidgeting a lot, it may be time to change your position and posture.

Rather than sitting cross-legged on the floor, try sitting upright in a chair with your feet flat on the floor and your hands resting in your lap. To maintain good posture, try sitting at the center of the seat and keeping your back away from the back of the chair.

If you prefer to sit cross-legged but want to avoid discomfort, try using a meditation cushion or blanket. Sitting on a cushion or rolled-up blanket will keep your knees lower than your hips, which will alleviate pressure on your knees. If you’re sitting on a hard floor, try putting another blanket down to cushion your ankles.

Regardless of whether you meditate in a chair or seated on the floor, it’s important to make sure that your:

  • Back is straight but relaxed
  • Neck and head are aligned over your spine
  • Arms are resting in your lap

Follow these pointers and you may find it’s much easier to stay comfortable and in your meditative state for longer.

Know Where to Put Your Hands

Your posture and position are important when meditating because it helps you get into a deeper meditative state and stay there for longer. But many beginners and even more experienced meditators forget that your hand position is also a part of your posture.

Knowing where to put your hands is important, and the right position can help improve your practice. Some hand positions are more comfortable than others.

But it’s also important to remember that it’s perfectly okay to simply rest your hands on your knees. Complicated hand positions may take your attention away from your practice, so start with a position you feel comfortable in.

Over time and once you’ve successfully extended your meditation sessions, you can start experimenting with different hand positions.

Remember that hand positions can also reflect your practice’s intentions, so it’s important to choose the right one.

Try Laying Down

If you’ve tried different seated positions and found that they just aren’t working for you, you may be wondering whether it’s okay to lie down while meditating.

If you want to extend your practice but just can’t stay seated for long periods of time, it’s perfectly acceptable to lie down. People with back and knee pain often find that lying down is the best way to meditate for longer.

Choose the Right Time of Day

If you’re really struggling to extend your meditation time and you’ve tried everything else on this list, it may be time to sit down and look at when you’re practicing. Are you practicing early in the morning, just before bed, or in between meetings?

Sometimes, the most convenient time isn’t always the best time.

  • If you’re meditating just before bed, you may be too tired to stay alert during your practice.
  • If you’re practicing first thing in the morning, you may be too distracted by thoughts of having to leave for work or other obligations.
  • If you’re practicing during your lunch break, you may not have enough time to truly get into a meditative state.

Experiment with different times of the day. Make your practice intentional and choose a time when you can really dedicate your energy to your meditation session.

meditation space

Create a Dedicated Space for Regular Practice

We’ve talked a lot about being intentional with your meditation practice and for a good reason. The more intentional you are about meditation, the easier it will be to extend your sessions.

Creating a dedicated space for your practice is a great place to start. When you enter this space, your brain will automatically start getting into the right mindset. It’s easier to shut out distractions because you’re in this special place where your only purpose is to sit quietly with yourself.

Let’s look at how to create a dedicated meditation space in your home.

Choose a Quiet, Distraction-Free Place

The best meditation space is one that is quiet and free of distractions. Choose a peaceful corner of your bedroom or even your home office. If you have the space, you may consider creating your own meditation room.

The size of the space doesn’t matter. It can be as small or large as you want – as long as you dedicate that space to meditation only.

Create an Altar

Once you have a designated space in your home for meditation, you can set yourself up for success by adding things that will enhance your practice or help you stay in the right mindset.

Many people find that creating an altar is a great way to initiate their practice, practice gratitude and help them stay on track.

Altars don’t have to be religious in nature. They can simply serve as the place you sit in front of while meditating. Some people add statues of The Buddha and mala beads to use during their practice. Others have a singing bowl, incense or a combination of all of these things.

The goal is to create a little space where you have everything you need for your practice. Your mind will begin to associate your altar with meditation, which will help you get into a meditative state more quickly.

Use Meditation Balls

Baoding balls, or meditation balls, help many people improve and extend their meditation time. They can be used for enhanced attention, to reduce anxiety and even help with hand dexterity.

While they may not be an accessory or tool for everyone, meditation balls are something to consider if you’re struggling to stay focused during your practice.

Add a Bench or Cushion

When creating your meditation space, you may want to consider ways to support your body while sitting cross-legged. One great way to do that is to add a meditation bench or cushion.

These benches and cushions are specially designed to support your knees and make it more comfortable to sit upright while meditating.

Many people also find that it’s much easier to engage in deep breathing when they’re sitting on a meditation cushion or folded blanket.

the benefits of meditation

Understand the Benefits of Meditation

If you’re having a hard time extending your meditation practice sessions, it may not be your technique, your space or even the type of meditation you’re performing. The problem may be that you’re not seeing the true value of the practice and how it can improve your life.

Understanding the benefits of meditation may help. Science is now taking a more serious look at how meditation can enhance your life. Some of the many benefits of this ancient practice include:

  • Improved mental health
  • Less stress and anxiety
  • Better ability to handle stress
  • More positive outlook on life

More research continues to be published on the benefits of meditation for mental and physical health. Taking the time to look at the science behind this practice and its effects may help you find a greater purpose in meditating. Purpose may make it easier to meditate for longer periods of time.

Understand the Jargon

When you first dive into meditation and learn about the practice, you may come across words and phrases that are new to you.

Understanding the jargon may help you meditate for longer for a number of reasons.

  1. These terms may refer to different techniques used in meditation, which may help you improve the way you meditate.
  2. Many of these terms are mantras that you can use to get into a deeper meditative state.

It’s worth exploring some of the most common meditation words and mantras to deepen your knowledge of the practice.

Explore Questions About Your Meditation Practice

Whether you’re a beginner or a more experienced meditator, you may have unanswered questions that are getting in the way of your practice. For example, you may be wondering whether you’re trying to meditate for too long or whether you should close your eyes.

When we feel unsure about something, we often struggle to move forward with confidence.

A little research can go a long way in giving you the answers you need to meditate for longer because you’re not fixated on whether you’re doing something wrong.

Take the time to write down questions you have about meditation, and start doing some research. You may find that you’re spending too much time worrying about the length of your sessions or your position rather than allowing yourself to be in the moment.

what to do after meditation

Know What to Do After Meditating to Improve Future Sessions

Sometimes, it’s not the meditation session itself but what you do afterward that makes it difficult to enjoy a prolonged meditation.

For example, let’s say that you typically meditate right after work. You may struggle to extend your sessions because you’re always preoccupied with having to make dinner or getting the kids ready for bed afterward. You’re jumping from a relaxed state straight to a chaotic one. Your body may anticipate this transition, making it harder to stay in that relaxed state.

But what if you changed the things you do after meditation? What if learning how to meditate longer was as simple as changing your after-practice routine?

Taking some time to consolidate the experience and journal can help you slowly transition back to your normal routine, giving your mind and body time to adjust. Over time, you may find it much easier to meditate for longer because your mind isn’t ready to race to the next thing after 15-20 minutes.

Try changing your after-meditation routine to see if it impacts your practice and how long you can stay in a meditative state.

I Still Can’t Meditate Longer – What Now?

Learning how to meditate longer takes time and patience. But what if you’ve been experimenting with different techniques and still haven’t been able to extend your meditation time?

There are many reasons why you may still be struggling to meditate for longer.

  • You may have some trauma that needs healing so that you can move past it and continue with your practice.
  • Practice makes perfect, and time may be what’s needed to extend your meditation sessions.
  • Your expectations may be too high (expectations themselves are an issue that may be hindering your meditation). Start by trying to extend your meditation by just a few minutes per day rather than 20-30 minutes or more.

Remember to be kind to yourself. You are only human, and it takes years to master meditation. With patience, practice and self-love, you will find yourself slowly able to extend your meditation sessions.

The Bottom Line

Many people struggle with learning how to meditate for longer, especially beginners who are still new to the practice. Following the tips above can help you learn how to slowly extend your sessions and get deeper into meditation.

The Ultimate Growing Wildflowers Guide

The Ultimate Growing Wildflowers Guide

Growing wildflowers can be so rewarding and fun for any home gardener. Along with attracting pollinator friends, wildflowers add gorgeous color to your outdoor space and benefit the environment in so many other ways.

If you’re intimidated by the idea of growing wildflowers from seed, our guide will help. We’ll walk you through every step of the process, from finding the right types of flowers for your garden to planting and caring for your flowers.

Types of Wildflowers

The U.S. is home to around 150 species of wildflowers, and many of them can be grown in most USDA Plant Hardiness Zones. Some varieties of wildflowers have really specific growing conditions, while others are more commonly found in backyard flower beds.

Coneflowers, zinnias, marigolds and black-eyed Susans are just a few of the types of wildflowers that you can plant in your home garden.

The Easiest Wildflowers to Grow

Native wildflowers are the easiest to grow because they’re found naturally in your area. They thrive in whatever soil and environmental conditions are common in your region, which means these varieties of plants are low maintenance. Just keep them watered and feed the soil when – or if – needed.

But what if you want to plant non-native species of wildflowers? Planting flowers that are easy to grow and care for will be your best chance of success.

Some of the easiest wildflowers to grow include ox-eye daisies, morning glories, blue flax and more.

Now that you know what types of wildflowers are easy to grow, you can create a list of the wildflowers that you want to grow in your garden this year and move on to the next step.

Buying Wildflower Seeds

Planning your wildflower garden is the fun part. Knowing where and how to buy seeds is a little more complicated.

Sure, you can walk into just about any garden center and find packets of seeds. You can even find convenient wildflower mixes. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that your flowers are going to grow.

It is crucial to buy your seeds from reputable suppliers and to do your homework to make sure you’re buying varieties of plants that will thrive in your area.

How to Plant Wildflowers

Now that you have an idea of which wildflowers are the easiest to grow and how to buy them, it’s time to start planting.

First, make sure that all of the flowers on your list are suitable for your Zone. Next, make note of the soil conditions each plant needs to grow and thrive. You’ll need to recreate these conditions in your garden bed.

Most varieties of wildflowers need little more than sun and well-draining soil that’s rich in organic matter.

But getting your plants to go from seed to bloom is a little more complicated than you think. You’ll need to understand when to plant seeds, which soil temperatures are ideal and more.

How to Grow Wildflowers Indoors

What if you don’t have a backyard? What if you want to bring the beauty of wildflowers inside of your home? Here’s the great news – you can still grow wildflowers indoors.

With the right soil and setup, you can grow many varieties of wildflowers indoors.

How to Cut Wildflowers

One rewarding aspect of growing wildflowers is being able to cut them to use in bouquets. A vase of freshly cut wildflowers will add beautiful color and scent to your home. But it’s important to understand how to cut your flowers properly so that you don’t damage the plant.

And remember that you don’t have to cut your flowers. You can leave them to bloom and feed the local wildlife. But once the season is over, you may want to cut back your plants. A good pruning can help make next year’s growth even more impressive.

Knowing how to cut back wildflowers can also help keep growth under control if you have a species with a rapid spreading habit.

The Environmental Benefits of Planting Wildflowers

Why go through all of the trouble of planting wildflowers anyway? Along with adding color and beauty to your garden, wildflowers also benefit the environment.

They attract and feed pollinators and beneficial insects. They’re even a source of food for some wildlife, and they can prevent erosion.

The benefits of wildflowers are endless, making them worth every second of care that you give them each year.

The Environmental Benefits of Wildflowers

The Environmental Benefits of Wildflowers

Wildflowers are a natural way to add beautiful color and interest to your garden, but did you know that there are also environmental benefits of wildflowers?

Native wildflowers help support wild pollinators and the local insect pollination, which ultimately helps support other wildlife.

Let’s look at some of the many environmental benefits of wildflowers.

The Benefits of Planting Wildflowers

Wildflower meadows are havens for butterflies, bees, other pollinators, and beneficial insects. Along with being a food source for these creatures, wildflowers also help prevent erosion, support biodiversity and can even make excellent companion plants.

Here’s why everyone should consider planting wildflowers or doing their part to help protect them.

They Create Biodiversity

Wildflower meadows are excellent for biodiversity. A single meadow can be home to over 100 different species of wildflowers that help support wildlife.

  • Their pollen is a food source for insects.
  • Rodents eat their seeds.
  • Hummingbirds consume their nectar.
  • Reptiles eat their leaves.
  • Grouse and chickens rely on wildflowers to keep their nests hidden in the spring.

The wildflower bird’s-foot trefoil alone is a food source for 160 different species of insects. These insects, in turn, help support bird and mammal populations.

Biodiversity is beneficial to all life on earth. To maintain healthy ecosystems, we need a variety of plants, animals and insects. Planting wildflower meadows can help support this goal.

They Attract Beneficial Insects and Pollinators

One of the biggest benefits of wildflowers is that they attract pollinators and beneficial insects. They help support declining honeybee populations with their pollen.

Many varieties of wildflowers attract pollinators, including:

  • Oxeye daisy
  • Bluebell
  • Foxglove
  • Dead-nettle
  • Bird’s Foot Trefoil
  • Comfrey
  • Clovers
  • Yarrow
  • Cornflower
  • Teasels
  • Angelica

Most wildflowers will attract bees or butterflies, so feel free to choose varieties that you love. But do take some time to learn about the variety’s growing habits and whether they are native to your area. Certain types of wildflowers are considered invasive in some areas and not others.

If you have a home vegetable garden, attracting pollinators and beneficial insects will help keep your plants healthy and fruitful.

They are Great for Companion Planting

Many varieties of wildflowers are excellent companion plants. They either amend the soil by depositing nutrients or they deter pests.

Marigolds, for example, help repel beetles and benefit the growth of basil. Nasturtiums can attract predatory insects that kill aphids, which can help protect neighboring plants.

If you’re planting a vegetable garden this year, consider planting some wildflowers as companions to help attract pollinators and keep pests at bay.

They are a Food Source for Insects and Animals

Wildflowers serve as a food supply for butterflies, bees, pollinators and animals throughout the year. According to the World Wildlife Foundation, one acre of wildflower meadow can have 3 million flowers on any given day in the summer. Those flowers produce a whopping 1 kg of nectar, enough to support 96,000 honeybees daily.

Insects are critical to all life on earth because they pollinate food crops.

The insects attracted to these wildflowers also serve as important food sources for various animals.

And animals like the American Pika also depend on wildflowers for food.

They Hold Nutrients in the Soil – Which Can Help Prevent Flooding

A wildflower habitat can help prevent flooding because of its complex root systems, which help keep the soil stable and prevents erosion. Stable soil can hold onto rainwater and prevent nutrients from being washed away.

If you have a steep hill on your property, consider planting wildflowers to help prevent erosion, eliminate the need to mow these tricky areas and support local wildlife.

They Add Color and Beauty to Outdoor Spaces

Wildflowers add so much color and beauty to outdoor spaces, which can indirectly benefit the environment. Admiring wildflowers, whether in a natural meadow or your own backyard, can help make you more interested in protecting the environment and the insects and animals they support.

Final Thoughts

Wildflowers have many environmental benefits, from feeding wildlife to helping prevent erosion and flooding. Planting your own wildflower garden in your backyard is a great way to support the local ecosystem, but it’s important to make sure that you plant native wildflowers. If you’re new to gardening, look for wildflowers that are easy to grow and maintain.

10 Easiest Wildflowers to Grow

10 Easiest Wildflowers to Grow

Wildflowers attract beneficial insects and add beautiful color to your garden, but some varieties can be tricky to grow. If you’ve had trouble growing wildflowers in the past, you may want to look for varieties that are a little bit easier to grow and maintain. We’ve rounded up some of the easiest wildflowers to grow to make your flower garden a success this year.

Disclosure: Some of the products we recommend include affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. We may earn a commission if you buy something through any affiliate link on our site.

10 Easiest Wildflowers to Grow

purple wildflower

1. Purple Coneflowers

Purple coneflowers, also known as Echinacea, are native wildflowers that add so much color to meadows and flower beds across the country. They’re one of the easiest wildflowers to grow and spread naturally yearly.

These flowers do well in dry soil and don’t need much to thrive. And if you leave the dried seed heads in place, they’ll feed local birds all winter long.

Purple coneflowers make beautiful cut flowers, and some of the plant parts can even be used for medicinal purposes.

Get purple coneflower seeds here




Well-draining; fertile loam or clay soil




2. Zinnia

Zinnia’s gorgeous pink, red and orange flowers will brighten up your wildflower garden, and they’re so easy to grow that you’ll be planting them every year. They’re great for cutting, too.

While these flowers grow best in full sun, they can still tolerate part shade. Just be mindful that they may be more susceptible to disease if grown in part shade.

Get zinnia seeds here




Well-draining and fertile soil




3. Marigolds

Marigolds are gorgeous flowers to grow in a summer garden, and they can tolerate summer heat well. These flowers do best in full sun and in well-draining soil. Otherwise, they are more prone to powdery mildew if the soil is too moist.

Fortunately, Marigolds have few pests, and they are excellent companion plants in the vegetable garden. In fact, they’re known to repel pests and can help you enjoy a bounty of fresh produce.

The Calendula variety of Marigolds has edible blooms that can add color and a little spice to your dishes.

Get marigold seeds here




Well-draining, loamy soil



oxeye daisy

4. Ox-eye Daisies

Ox-eye daisies are cheery perennials that can bring life and beauty to any garden. Their mounding habit makes them a great option for filling in spaces in your garden bed.

Ox-eye daisies are also great for cutting and adding to bouquets.

These daisies love full sun, but they can also grow in part afternoon shade, particularly if planted in humid climates. Let the soil dry out in between waterings to keep your flowers healthy.

This variation of the daisy spreads via rhizomes and self-seeds, so they can easily fill a garden.

Get ox-eye daisy seeds here




Well-draining; coarse to medium


Full to part shade


5. Sunflowers

Beloved for their bright blooms, sunflowers are easy-to-grow wildflowers that will add cheer and beauty to your garden. They’ll also attract beneficial insects, hummingbirds, butterflies and other birds.

Because these beauties grow tall, be sure to plant them in the back of your bed along a wall or fence. Otherwise, they may block out the sun for other plants in your garden.

Get sunflower seeds here




Well-draining; nutrient-rich soil



black-eyed susan

6. Black-Eyed Susan

Black-eyed Susans are pretty native wildflowers that will add a striking yellow color to your garden.

One great thing about these flowers is that they’re relatively drought-tolerant. Once they’re established, they do not need extra water.

Black-eyed Susans attract butterflies and other beneficial pollinators, so they’re a great addition to any garden.

Get Black-eyed Susan seeds here




Virtually any soil – except soggy


Full to part sun

morning glories

7. Morning Glories

Morning glories come in a variety of colors – blue, pink, white and purple flowers. They’re climbing vines, which makes them an interesting addition to any wildflower flower bed. Let them climb up trellises, arches or pergolas to add color and beauty to different areas of your backyard.

Best of all, these flowers are low maintenance. However, they aren’t very tolerant of droughts, so be sure to water more often during dry periods. Mulch can help retain moisture and prevent weeds.

These plants will reseed themselves unless you pinch off the flowers.

Get morning glory seeds here




Moist and well-draining




8. Cosmos

With cosmos, you can add purple, orange, white and pink flowers to your garden. And you can add all of this beautiful color with minimal maintenance.

Cosmos can also attract butterflies, birds and other beneficial visitors.

These flowers can tolerate dry, warm weather and can even be drought-tolerant. Be mindful that these beauties can grow to be quite tall, so they may need staking. These flowers self-seed, too, so remove the flowers before they go to seed if you want to control their growth.

Get cosmos seeds here




Neutral to alkaline



blue flax

9. Blue Flax

Blue flax will add a beautiful periwinkle color to your garden. These easy-going flowers are native to Europe, particularly England and the Alps, but they’ve spread throughout North America.

Blue flax is great for rock gardens, and they’re even deer and rabbit resistant. They’re bee-friendly and can grow to be 18-30″ tall.

While these flowers love full sun, they can tolerate some shade.

Get blue flax seeds here




Loamy, sandy soil




10. Candytuft

Candytuft flowers are native to Europe and are a low-maintenance, easy-growing option for any wildflower garden.

They prefer well-draining soil and plenty of sunlight for full blooms. Cut them back after they bloom to encourage new growth and promote a compact habit. These flowers grow along the ground, so you can divide them up and transplant them in your garden to add pops of color here and there.

Candytuft is a perennial, and its flowers come in white, pink and purple varieties.

Get candytuft seeds here




Well-draining, moist soil



These are some of the easiest wildflowers to grow. They’ll add beautiful color to your garden, and many are self-seeding, so you can enjoy them year after year.

13 Types of Wildflowers to Grow in Your Backyard

13 Types of Wildflowers to Grow in Your Backyard

Are you planning a wildflower garden? Knowing the types of wildflowers available and where they thrive can help you know what to plant and when. We’re going to share 13 beautiful wildflowers that are easy to care for and grow in a variety of soil conditions.

Disclosure: Some of the products we recommend include affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. We may earn a commission if you buy something through any affiliate link on our site.

13 Types of Wildflowers to Grow in Your Backyard

Hundreds of wildflowers are native to the United States and will look beautiful in any backyard garden. Just how many types of wildflowers are there in the U.S.? About 150 native species, 134 of which are in California alone.

But even if you don’t live on the West Coast, you can grow gorgeous wildflowers that will add color to your yard and attract beneficial pollinators like butterflies and honeybees.

Here are 13 types of wildflowers that you can start growing in your backyard this year.

butterfly weed

1. Butterfly Weed

Wildflowers can do more than just make your garden beautiful – they can help the Monarchs, too. According to a new report, the western population of Monarchs has declined by a staggering 99.9% since the 1980s.

You can do your part to help these endangered beauties by planting butterfly weed, or Asclepias tuberosa. Butterfly weed is a type of milkweed with bright orange flowers and a mounded profile.

Butterfly weed looks gorgeous in any wildflower garden and it helps Monarchs. It’s a win-win for everyone.

Buy butterfly weed seeds here.

USDA Plant Hardiness Zones


Soil Needs

Well-draining, slightly acidic


Partial shade to full sun

indian blanket

2. Indian Blanket

Indian blanket, or Gaillardia pulchella, is a showy wildflower that will add beautiful bursts of orange and yellow color to your wildflower garden. These flowers thrive in the southern and central U.S. in rocky plains and prairies.

Besides adding beauty to your backyard, Indian blanket will help feed the local wildlife. Birds love the seedheads and butterflies and bees love their nectar-rich flowers.

Buy Indian blanket seeds here.

USDA Plant Hardiness Zones


Soil Needs

Well-draining, slightly acidic



california poppy

3. California Poppy

California poppy (Eschscholzia californica) is one of the types of wildflowers you should plant if you want vibrant colors in your garden. Their bright orange blooms are striking, and they’re one of the first flowers to open up in spring. Sometimes, they bloom as early as February.

While the California Poppy is the state flower of California, it can grow in various locations along the Pacific coast.

Buy California poppy seeds here.

USDA Plant Hardiness Zones


Soil Needs

Rocky, sandy and quick draining



purple coneflower

4. Purple Coneflower

Purple coneflowers, or Echinacea purpurea, bloom all throughout the summer and bring bright, cheery colors to your wildflower garden.

Purple coneflowers actually bloom twice – once again in the fall. They’re a great way to keep your garden looking colorful when all of your other flowers have stopped blooming.

The great thing about purple coneflowers is that they can thrive even in droughty conditions and in a variety of temperatures. Purple coneflowers are also considered a medicinal plant and have long been used in folk medicine for the treatment of colds, coughs and fevers.

Buy purple coneflower seeds here.

USDA Plant Hardiness Zones


Soil Needs

Well-draining, clay or sandy



common blue violet

5. Common Blue Violet

The common blue violet truly is common along the East Coast of the U.S. Their purple flowers make them a gorgeous addition to any wildflower garden, and they’re surprisingly easy to grow. Common blue violets are hardy plants and prolific (they’re sometimes considered weeds!), so you won’t have a hard time getting them to spread throughout your garden.

Use them as a maintenance-free ground cover that will add beautiful color to your outdoor space.

Plus, you can add their colorful blooms to salads to really impress your guests. These flowers are commonly used in cuisine and can really take your presentation over the top.

Buy common blue violet seeds here.

USDA Plant Hardiness Zones


Soil Needs

Humus-rich, moist and well-draining


Partial shade to full sun

bee balm

6. Bee Balm

Bee balm (Monarda), also referred to as wild bergamot, is one of the most popular types of wildflowers because they attract a variety of pollinators and have colorful blooms that brighten up any garden bed.

Bees aren’t the only beneficial insects that are attracted to these flowers. They also attract butterflies and even hummingbirds – and they’re even deer-resistant.

There are several varieties of bee balm, each offering a different color. From dark purple to bright pink and even white, you can find many types of bee balm that will complement your flower bed.

Buy bee balm seeds here.

USDA Plant Hardiness Zones


Soil Needs

Neutral to slightly acidic



black eyed susans

7. Black Eyed Susans

Black Eyed Susans are such cheerful flowers. With their bright yellow petals, they look like mini sunflowers. They’re easily one of the most popular yellow wildflowers in the eastern U.S., and they can add vibrant color to your garden in late summer.

Black Eyed Susans will attract a variety of pollinators and other beneficial insects. Expect to get frequent visits from bees of all types, small butterflies and even Scolid Wasps, which are actually beneficial pollinators.

Buy black eyed Susans seeds here.

USDA Plant Hardiness Zones


Soil Needs




oxeye daisy

8. Oxeye Daisy

The oxeye daisy is a gorgeous wildflower with long, sturdy stems and cheery blooms. They start blooming mid-spring and last until the end of June, but if you prune your daisies after they fade, you can encourage a slightly longer bloom time.

In Zones 3-8, these daisies are considered a perennial. These flowers are prolific, too, spreading quickly throughout a garden bed thanks to their rhizome roots.

Buy oxeye daisy seeds here.

USDA Plant Hardiness Zones


Soil Needs

Clay to sandy, well-draining




9. Lupine

With its tower-like stalks, lupine is easy to identify. This wildflower has small clusters of flowers with beautiful, delicate colors

Lupine doesn’t mind poor-quality soil, and this resilient plant can thrive even in the Arctic. It’s commonly found in the sand dunes along the East Coast.

There are many varieties of lupine, each of which has vibrant colors and blooms in late spring.

Buy lupine seeds here.

USDA Plant Hardiness Zones


Soil Needs

Acidic, well-draining, variety of soil types


Partial shade to full sun

joe pye weed

10. Joe Pye Weed

There are many varieties of Joe Pye weed, or Eutrochium. Eutrochium purpureum, in particular, is known for its fragrant flowers and is native to central and eastern North America.

Its intoxicating vanilla scent attracts butterflies, bees and other pollinators. In fact, these flowers are a favorite of Monarch butterflies and a variety of bees, including bumble, honey, leafcutter and cuckoo bees.

Joe Pye weed is late-blooming and grows in clumps up to 7 feet tall. Its beautiful blooms range in color from purplish pink to mauve pink.

Buy Joe Pye weed seeds here.

USDA Plant Hardiness Zones


Soil Needs

Well-draining, acidic to alkaline


Partial shade to full sun

dutch clover

11. Dutch Clover

Most people are familiar with Dutch clover, a common perennial ground cover that grows in lawns throughout the U.S. Along with adding some color to your lawn, Dutch clover can help with erosion control. It spreads relatively easily and is a hardy wildflower.

If you want to feed the bees, Dutch clover provides lots of pollen and nectar.

Buy Dutch clover seeds here.

USDA Plant Hardiness Zones


Soil Needs

Moist soil


Partial shade to full sun

daisy fleabane

12. Daisy Fleabane

Daisy fleabane is part of the Aster family, and it has the classic daisy flower look. They can be either annual or biennial and stand 1-3′ tall.

Daisy fleabane can be a beautiful addition to any garden bed. They come in a variety of colors, from white to yellow, pink, orange, blue and purple. They have a long flowering season, too, so you can enjoy their blooms all summer. And they’re excellent as cut flowers when fully opened.

Buy daisy fleabane seeds here.

USDA Plant Hardiness Zones


Soil Needs

Well-drained, dry to medium



evening primrose

13. Evening Primrose

Evening primrose has cup-like, fragrant flowers that bloom in bright colors. They’re easy to care for, and they’re hardy plants that can tolerate a variety of soil conditions.

Hummingbirds and butterflies are frequent visitors of these flowers, and they’re resistant to deer and rabbits.

Just be sure to plant these beauties in a place that receives full sunlight. These plants are fussy about their soil conditions and will easily spread.

Buy evening primrose seeds here.

USDA Plant Hardiness Zones


Soil Needs

Well-draining and rich in organic matter


Partial shade to full sun

These 13 types of wildflowers will brighten up your garden and help attract pollinators and beneficial insects. Just make sure that you choose wildflowers that will grow well in your Zone and soil conditions.